Showing posts with label DREAMS AND ASTROLOGY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DREAMS AND ASTROLOGY. Show all posts

Friday, 3 April 2015

About Dreams


My Findings: If in a query chart, the Sun occupies the ascendant or the Moon aspects the ascendant, or the 7th house happens to be the Sun sign, it must be inferred that the person had dreams the previous night. The duration of the dreams will correspond to the expired portion of the ascendant. The time can be ascertained from the lord of Lagna also. If the lord of Lagna is the Moon, it was only for a few seconds (kshana). For other planets take the Naisarga periods.
If anybody puts the question, "Have I had any dreams today? if so, what is the nature of the dreams?" the combinations given in this My Findings have to be applied.
My Findings: If the Sun occupies the rising sign, burning fire, blazing torches, red clothes, etc., were seen; if the Moon is in Lagna, women, white, river and flowers; if Mars, gold, pearls, red clothes, raw flesh, flowing blood, etc.; if Mercury the native dreamt that he flew through the heavens; if Jupiter, there was a happy social party with relations; if Venus, the native crossed watery surfaces such as lakes and seas; and if Saturn, he climbed hills and elevated places. If many planets are found in the ascendant, these dreams will be seen in turns. If these occupy inimical or debilitation signs, the dreams will be bad. If the planets are defeated in planetary fight, then again they will be bad. If they are in combustion, the dreams will be disjointed.
My Findings: The nature of dreams can be known from the nature of Arudha, Chathra, ascendant and the fourth house thus; Aries — temples; Taurus — devas; Gemini — Brahmins and saints; Cancer — water containing plant life and grass cut from the earth; Leo — hill men and buffaloes; Virgo — cohabitation with women; Libra — gold, merchants and those in power; Scorpio — horses, beetles, poison; Sagittarius — barks of trees, flowers and fruits; Capricorn — men and women together; Aquarius — looking glass; and Pisces — gold and oceans.
What one has seen in his dream can be ascertained from the horoscope on the basis of the Arudha sign, or Chathra sign or the rising sign or the fourth house. It implies that the strongest of the above factors is to be considered. Assuming that the rising sign is the strongest and it happens to be Scorpio, the queerest will have seen in his dream horses, beetles or poisonous medicines, etc.
My Findings: The above is taken from Jnana Pradeepika. Still there are some more peculiarities and they are culled out from Ashtanga Hridaya (a medical treatise).
My Findings: If one dreams that when he is engaged in drinking liquor along with dead men (pretas) be is dragged up and down by a dog, the result is he will be attacked by high fever and die.
My Findings: If one dreams that while wearing red flowers and clothes and having one's body dyed red and enjoying all sorts of pleasures, one is carried by a woman, he will be attacked by 'Rakta Pitta'. Riding on buffaloes, pigs, dogs or camels southwards indicates death by consumption. Dreaming of thorns, creepers, bamboos and palm trees sprouted from one's throat, denotes attack of Gulmaroga and death from it.
Dreaming that while anointed in ghee with no clothes on, performing a homo, a lotus plant sprouted from one's throat, it indicates attack by leprosy and death.
Seeing in a dream that one with low class people indulged in drinking ghee, butter and other oily liquids, signifies an attack of premagha and death from it.
My Findings: The dream that one dived deep in waters when dancing with Rakshasas, will get one madness and death. If, however, he dreams that he is carried away by 'pretas' he will die from apasmara (epilepsy).
My Findings: If one dreams that he had a ride on a camel, cat, ape, tiger, pig, pretas or a jackal, he will get a sudden accidental death.
My Findings: After dreaming that one consumed a large quantity of bread and roasted things, he wakes up and vomits the very same materials, he will die suddenly. If he dreams that he witnessed an eclipse, he will get eye disease.
My Findings: Dreaming that the Sun or the Moon falls down from the sky signifies loss of eye-sight.
My Findings: If one dreams of the following, he is said to experience dreadful results. Birds building their nests on the dreamer's head; getting shaved; encircled by crows or eagles; surrounded by pretas, pisachas, women, beefeaters; getting lost in bypaths filled with creepers, grass bamboos and thorny plants, lying down in cremation grounds or deep pits; happening to fall on dust and ashes; slipping on watery surfaces, wells, tanks and miry spots; being dragged down by the force of water currents; one sings, dances, plays on musical instruments; decorates oneself with red flowers and red clothes; gets old age; becomes fat; smears one's body with oil; gets married; gets shaved; eats cooked food and dishes; takes butter and ghee; drinks liquor; vomits; gets iron and gold; gets defeated in fight or in argument; gets imprisoned; meets with accidents; loses sandals; skin in the legs gets dried; feels highly elated, laughs at angry seniors and family elders.
Lamps, stars, planets, teeth, idols of Gods, one's own eyes, either fall down or are destroyed; hills tumble down, one enters a forest filled with red flowers, or places of sinful acts; gets into a dark abyss; lies down in the burning ghat; falls down from hill-tops or house tops; fishes alone; sees persons with ochre robes, naked people, ascetics, persons with blood-shot eyes and dark-coloured people.
My Findings: When ones sees in his dream a woman black in colour, having aptitude for sinful actions, with long nails, hair and breasts, and wearing flowers and clothes, having no reddish tongue, he may die early.
My Findings: Bad dreams are caused by the surcharge of the tridoshas in the nervous and sensory systems. Sick persons happening to see such dreadful dreams are said to die. If persons of sound health see such dreams, they will get dangerous sickness. By God's favour, some may recover but in most cases such sickness will end fatally.
My Findings: Drishta, Sruta, Anubhuta, Prar-thita, Kalpita, Bhavija and Doshaja are the seven kinds of dreams. The first five types of dreams do not bring about the indicated results. Dreams seen during daytime are also ineffective.
The ancient experts in the phenomenon of dreams appear to have dived deep into the subject and their views as regards the nature of dreams, what kind of dreams would portend disasters, etc., are now drawing the attention of psychologists and para-psychologists.
Seven kinds of dreams are listed in the above My Findings. They are drishta or things which one may have seen in life; (2) shruta — things we have heard in life; (3) anubhuta — things actually experienced through smell, taste and touch; (4) prarthita — things desired in life; (5) kalpita — fancied or imaginary things; (6) bhavija — not included in the above 5 categories or those due to one's own imagination; and (7) doshaja — dreams caused by a surcharge of tridoshas.
The author appears to be of the opinion that the first five kinds need not be considered as the signified results may not happen. He is also of the view that dreams experienced during daytime are of no significance.
My Findings: Dreams that are forgotten soon after waking, those seen continuously for a long time or seen before midnight are not effective. It at all, they will bear fruit after a very long time. Dreams seen in the early morning hours will bear fruit the next day. If one sleeps after the dream, the effect will be little. If one happens to see bad dreams, dana, homo, japa, dhyana and puja must be done to reduce the evil effects. If a good dream is seen after a bad dream, the former alone will prevail.
My Findings: The following are good dreams. One experiencing them will get good health and wealth. Seeing deities, Brahmins, cows, oxen, living relatives, kings, good people, burning fire, tank with clear water, good watery surfaces, unmarried girls, smiling handsome boys in white clothes, rakshasas, brilliant and booming with blood, umbrella, looking glass, poisonous medicines, flesh, white flowers, white dress, human excreta, ointments, fruits, hillocks, house-tops and storeyed houses, trees having fruits, men, lions, elephants, horses ond other vehicles, rivers, fords, oceans, journeys to the north and east, sexual connection with those women who could not be enticed, death, escape from danger, satisfaction of pitris and heads of famlies, weeping, getting up from the fallen place and harming the enemies.
My Findings: The causes of dreams are: (a) inflammation of the humours, (b) consequence of the major and sub-periods, (c) worry or things about which one thinks much, (d) abhichara or incantation of enemies, (e) guhyakas, (f) previous associations with other beings. Dreams caused by the excitation or disturbance of vatha are: climbing up hill tops and trees, travelling through skies. Dreams caused by the disturbance of pitha are characterised by seeing things radiant and resplendent as gold, red flowers, as the Sun, fire, etc. Dreams caused by phlegmatic disturbance are: seeing the Moon, stars, white flowers, lotus and rivers. Dreams caused by disturbances to the humours, wind, bile and phlegm signify ordinary results, Dreams caused by planetary periods indicate effects appropriate to them. Those caused by chinta and drishta will be the same as seen or wished. Dreams indicating that persons are wounded by animals distorted in shape are caused by abhichara. Grihyakotha as seeing bright and dazzling things is caused by the humour pitha. Dreams caused by the planetary periods and worry will not be effective.
My Findings: A night has four Yamas. If the dream is seen in the 1st Yama, the result will be, before the lapse of one full year; in the 2nd, before the lapse of 6 months; in the 3rd, before the lapse of 3 months; and in the 4th, before the lapse of one month. If the dream occurs at dawn, the result takes place soon.
My Findings: The nature of dreams has to be learnt from other works. Here is a dream, narrated in Ramayana seen by Bharata. "I saw my father falling down from the top of a mountain into a deep solution of cow dung dressed in dirty clothes and with hair untied; the oceans dried, the Moon having fallen down and the earth pervaded by dismal darkness; the tusk of the royal elephant torn away and the blazing fire suddenly extinguished; my father sitting on an iron throne wearing a red dress and (at that time) being railed by copper coloured and dark women; my liberal father starting to the south wearing red garlands of flowers, smeared with red ointments, and journeying on a donkey-yoked chariot; my father being dragged by a demoness wearing red dress, having a deformed face and putting on a face of forced smile; my throat gets dried, mind has no peace, I, Sri Rama, father or Lakshmana, am going to die. Is not my father happy now? are my brothers Rama and Lakshmana not free from all disease?; Sri Rama's mother also is free from all diseases; the mother of Lakshmana also is free from sickness; my mother who is not good is also free from sickness; what does she say ?"
My Findings: The dream narrated above is a very bad one, as the results that came from it affected his parents, his brothers and more than all his own life.
My Findings: If a Brahmin sees a dream showing that a person is drinking liquor or blood, then he will get learning or knowledge. If any other than a Brahmin sees this, he will get wealth. If an ordinary man sees in dream king, elephant, horses, oxen and cows and a sick man, his desires will bear fruition. If a person born in a royal family sees this, he will soon become a king.
My Findings: If a person dreams that he has obtained sandalwood paste, couch, pearls, betel leaves, jathi flower and wealth, it is very good.
My Findings:  If a person sees in his dream that he is bitten by insects or leeches, he will get children or wealth. If he sees in a dream that he is entering a terrace, he will become a king though born in a low family.
My Findings: If he sees in a dream as if eating some ghee preparations (payasa) in a dirty lotus leaf in the middle of a tank, he will become a learned pundit.
My Findings: If in the dream one sees krauncha bird (cock)" or kukkuta or balaka bird and wakes up all of a sudden, he will get a wife with endearing words or a girl with similar qualifications.
My Findings: if a sick man sees the globes of the Sun and the Moon in a dream, then be will recover from sickness soon. A man without sickness will get wealth and health, of he sees blazing fire, flowers, fruits, looking glass, rubies, pot containing curd, rice and milk, he will become a prosperous man.
My Findings: Dreams seen in the first yama of the night will bear fruit in one year, in the 2nd yama in 8 months, in the third in 3 months and in the fourth in 10 days.